Saturday 13 December 2008

Friday Stuff!

Hello penguins! Yesterday was the coolest day ever! Some much things! Coins For Change, Rockhopper, etc. etc. Let's begin with... Coins For Change! In Coins For Change you can donate 50, 250 or 500 coins for 3 important causes. Help Kids Around The World! Let's donate!

*James Bond music*

There are 3 places that you can donate!



Captain Quarters:

At the Captain Quarters there is a new version of Treasure Hunt! Now it's with CANDYS!

Look to the pirate catalog. Same free item:

Now let's go to the new postcards:

The Stage! There is a new catalog with the same items. And there is a secret! If you click the Golden Puffle... will appear this:

Last thing...Igloo catalog. No secrets.

Cassie Seloa!

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